Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Presentation of the Permanent Collection, 2022

Teilchentheorie, 1998
To the question, "What makes a city?", Heidi Specker answers "with details of architectural surfaces of Berlin architecture, with a detachment of recurring façade decors from their original architectural coherence and confusion, whereby these details become free, different, useless, placeless, beautiful, but also alien. The question of a totality is answered with its dissolution, with a theory of parts.
Reinhard Braun, 2018, Camera Austria, Heidi Specker - Fotografie
Reinhard Braun, 2018, Camera Austria, Heidi Specker - Fotografie

Übersicht, Weisses Element, 1998, Archival Irisprint, 75 x 60 cm |

Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, DE

Teilchentheorie, 1998 ©HMKV